Monday, June 4, 2007

.alpha. ...again.

in an attempt to keep separate my "daily dimes" and my "regular" blogs, i thought i'd use my nifty little blogger account.

here is my first attempt at regularity...

i'm a little nervous right now. i'm waiting. i don't like waiting. it feels like school is coming up so quickly, yet it still seems like it's so far away. i'm still waiting on my loan and i'm praying that it goes thru easily and quickly. i'm also a little leery of leaving my family. i sometimes feel like i'm leaving my mom hanging, but she is the one who has encouraged me to do this more than anyone else. i'm also scared that my dad is just going to get worse and i'm not sure how i'm going to handle that being so far away and being unable to help.

along with that apprehension, i'm in this limbo stage where it feels like i shouldn't be allowed to meet new people since i'm leaving in a few months anyway. however, i did go with Chels tonight to a small group thru Grace. i went not knowing what exactly to expect and i went with a closed-off attitude. but it was actually good. i did meet some new people. and it think it was good for me. i stepped a little outside of my comfort zone and Lord knows i need to do that more often.

i took pictures for my friend Sarah's wedding last week. it was a lot of fun and a lot of practice. (c: it made me look forward to school that much more and it made me wish i knew more right now.

keep praying for me. as evidenced by the randomness of this blog...i need it.

1 comment:

alicia said...

I agree with the not meeting new people thing. Although, I'm leaving in 10 days. ... YIKES! My life is too too crazy. Isn't that the truth...

Blog on girlie, that may be the only way we can be friends....just kidding. But it's my stalker way to keep tabs on you!