Sunday, March 23, 2008

i'm so complex.

i fancy myself a pretty creative person. but lately, my creativity has been a sad little desert of nothingness. not even tumbleweeds. i could probably work with a tumbleweed.

however, i am surrounded by so many inspiring people and have seen a lot of things that have done well at expressing how i'm feeling, even when i cannot.

so until i can get back to that place of creativity, i wanted to share with you...the faithful few...what has inspired me and who has spoken on my behalf.

first up is a blog that was written by alex dezen (lead singer of the band 'the damnwells'). he is a fantastic writer and i thoroughly enjoy reading his blog. this one is an older one, but he speaks to a subject i myself have addressed before...but he does it in such a lovely way. (c: i hope you enjoy it.

**sidebar** he writes the blog on myspace and the first paragraph is in reference to the annoying ads that appear along the top of every screen.


The little game at the top of the screen where you get to catch a bear, slap a fat guy in the belly, or take a picture of some celebrity, is always way too enticing to ignore. Well, for me at least. I mean, who can ignore the weird, phantom Jessica Simpson head flying around outside some cartoon film premiere or award ceremony? And yes, secretly I pretend it's a gun that I'm wielding from the paparazzi line, not a camera. But my intentions are hardly malicious, at least not beyond the most pedestrian kind. After all, this is not the actual Jessica Simpson we're talking about here; it's just her weird, phantom head. And I don't have a gun. At least not yet.

Sometimes people say things to me, assuming I loathe Jessica Simpson, Mandy Moore, Justin Timberlake, and other pop stars.

"That's not music!" they bellow.
"Yeah," I cowardly agree, not wanting to stir up any trouble.

The truth is, I don't listen to Jessica Simpson or Mandy Moore. I couldn't pick either of their voices out of a lineup. They're both pretty sexy and all that, I guess. I hope that doesn't make me a pig, I guess. My fiancée doesn't own any of his records, but she loves that one Justin Timberlake song. The DJ is going to play it at our wedding. Everyone loves that song. Everyone will be dancing. And that "d**k in a box" skit was pretty amazing too.

People assume that because I make music, I hate people like Jessica Simpson, Mandy Moore, and Justin Timberlake, because they're "a fake," or because they're intentions are "untrue." The truth is, I don't really give a shit. Would you assume just because someone's black, they like basketball? Maybe they're an avid Curler? I like what I like, and don't like what I don't like for my own subjective reasons, just like everybody else. What does the validity of someone's intentions have to do with the music they make, and how in the hell can someone infer all that from a 3 minute and 30 second "pop" song? Sometimes I write songs about nothing. Sometimes a bunch of words or guitar chords just sound good together. Sometimes I try really, really hard to write a "pop" song. Does all this make me a fake? Perhaps more so! But more importantly, does any of this really matter? It ain't rocket science. It's just music.

I realize this is a very serious subject to many people, so I don't mean to write about it with such flippancy. It is also a subject that has been talked about to death, so I don't mean to bore you with it either. I simply wanted to say, it doesn't matter to me what your intentions are or if those are your real boobs. We're only here in parting glances. Why scowl?

I'm sure I'll feel differently about all this tomorrow.

If you're interested in reading more of alex's blog or listening to some good music, just go to the damnwells' myspace page at

...or here is a little taste...
alex and his lovely wife angela with an acoustic version of 'like it is'

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