Thursday, January 26, 2012


I'm not really one for new-year's resolutions; this should be apparent in that I should have been talking about resolutions 4 weeks ago.  That isn't to say that I'm not into resolutions in general.  I think there's something to be said for resolving to improve oneself, I just think a "forced" resolution at the beginning of every year is just a recipe for failure.

That being said, I've been in the mind-set of resolutions lately because I'm in a strange place of self-discovery and change.  The past five years have been difficult and the vast majority of my mental, emotional and physical energy was wrapped up in my dad and his illness.  I don't regret the time, nor am I bitter about having to put parts of my life up on a shelf.  The choice was mine and I'd make it again in a heartbeat.

But that's not what this is about.  This is about me trying to make some changes...

I was inspired a bit by Micah and her recent post in which she honestly and openly shared about how she is reacquainting herself with herself during a time of significant change.

In addition to that, I have just started reading a blog by Andrew Arndt and the most recent entries are dissecting the Lord's Prayer; breaking it down to it's individual parts to explore what God's intention for our prayer life is.  It's not for the faint of heart, but it's been really eye-opening and supremely challenging for me; I'd recommend it highly.

One thing that really stuck out to me as something I personally struggle with as I began to read about the purpose of prayer, was selfishness.  On the whole, I wouldn't consider myself a selfish person; I typically try to think of other's needs before myself and I'm happy to give anything I can to help anyone out.  I think what I struggle with is self-centeredness. 

It's easy to do in this age of social media.  If I post something to facebook, I get excited about that little red notifier that says that someone liked what I said, or responded to what I said; I love getting responses, retweets and follows on twitter; I love getting responses to my blog.  Is this awful?  No.  Of course it isn't, but for me, it constantly draws my attention back to myself; what I said, what I did, what people think of me...  If that makes any kind of sense.  I kind of find it ironic that tools that keep us socially connected mostly serve to appease our narcissism.

Unfortunately, in this day and age, we're wired to be self-serving.  Maybe that sounds cynical, but it's what I see.

So, I'm making a resolution.  Not to stop using social media, but to change my focus.  To look outside of myself and my little universe.  To listen more.

Here's to shutting up and listening.


Micah D.L. said...

We may not be going thru the SAME thing, but we are going thru SIMILAR things...loss is loss and grief is grief. Thank you for sharing a tiny part of your's to 2012 and getting to know ourselves again :)

stephonix said...

you are so very right. Thank YOU for was something I needed to hear (...or read) (c;