Sunday, September 7, 2008

laugher is the best medicine, and your face is curing the world.

these past two weeks have been exceptionally strange. wonderfully good things mixed with incredibly bad things and realizations thrown in all over the place. it's been a bit exhausting.

hence, my incredible lack of blogging and pod's.

i have lots of things, stories and pictures, but just not the energy to write about them. hopefully later this week i get back into the swing...just not today. but since i'm updating, i'll throw in a picture (or 2). (c:

this is from a shoot that i did with chelsea. we went downtown and shot for a little bit, but i didn't like a whole lot of what i got so we may make the trip again soon. but this is one of the few shots that i did like.

the sky was also quite amazing that evening and the capital building looked here is a shot of that as well. (c:

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