Sunday, September 21, 2008

catching up

wow. so, i hope you'll forgive the incredible lack of updates as of late. life has continued to be a bit strange and i'm still learning how to live it. (c:

since i've not been updating, i've got a lot of stories and a lot of pictures...and some of my lack of writing has just been not knowing where to start, but the longer i put it off the more that happens and the more i need to write about and the cycle continues. so i'll just start.

whitney's birthday was on 8/30 (happy birthday, bowie!) but since she was leaving for alaska on her birthday with her sister, she planned a little birthday dinner for the night before. we went to chopstix asian grill (her favorite restaurant) and found out that whitney + jill + anna + alicia + steph + crazy chinese waiter = crazy times. i think a large part of what whitney loves about chopstix (besides the yummy food) is the crazy waiter, maurice. he is one loco dude (or whatever crazy is in chinese) (c: here are a few pics from that night.

whit and her desert made special by maurice.

a close up of the incredible was all fruit with some green tea ice cream drizzled with chocolate

whit and her gift from jill...foam finger!!

all the girls. jill, anna, alicia, whit and me

the next day i got a surprise from jill. she was down at my end of town and just wanted to get me to stop being anti-social. (c: she pulled out her bubble maker from camp (she was working as a counselor for 3 months) and made bubbles on my street.

she's quite entertaining.

then we decided to go to sloans just to hang out and talk and she decided that would be the perfect opportunity to show me how to skateboard. yes. me.

i actually did better than i thought i would...or could. i started a bit wobbly, but once i got used to the feeling, i started getting the hang of it. it was only when i got too sure of myself that i crashed. and crash i did.

before we got started...jill gave me a lesson. this would be an example of the wrong way.

and the right you see the slight difference? it's all in the position of the feet.

shadow. yeah.

the master at work.

uh huh. she knows what she's doing, folks.

this is just after i flipped backwards...jill didn't know how to use my camera so it's totally blown out, but you get the idea.

this is the cute old guy that came "rushing" to my rescue. he was a total sweetheart. (jill took the shot as he was walking it too was blown out)

alright. thats it for now...more later. (c:


Anonymous said...

I love that crazy maurice!

stephonix said...

hehe...i knew it! (c;

Scott said...

Good to see you back amongst the blogging. BTW, the Chinese for crazy is 疯 (pronounced fung). But don't call the Chinese guy that.

stephonix said...

don't worry...i'll leave the speaking chinese to the professionals. lord knows i would totally butcher it. (c;