Tuesday, November 25, 2008

regrets of photographs

i love this time of year.

most of the leaves have fallen leaving graceful skeletons in their absence. the sun sets quicker tucking itself behind the mountains hastily, but leaving inexplicable beauty in its wake. almost every evening the sky is transformed into a canvas of oranges, pinks, reds and purples...but only for fleeting moments. even during the day the sun seems warmer. not temperature-wise mind you...i'm talking color here.

i went shooting last week one afternoon after i got off work. it was about 2pm which really isn't that great of a time of the day for light, aesthetically speaking. but because of the time of year that it is, the sun was unusually low in the sky and the light was almost golden. too lovely not to try and shoot something. anything.

here are some results from that day...

i started a new job this week. it's full time which means that now i'm working until 5 and don't have the opportunity to catch the sunset if i so choose. however, our offices face west and from my desk i am afforded a view of the sky. it's almost not fair.

the sky tempts me and begs me to try to capture it...even tho i know it's not possible even when i am able to try, but that doesn't stop me from trying. but i sat at my desk this evening watching the sky move from lovely to brilliant to indescribable as i worked thru reports.

whitney even texted me to get outside and start shooting if i could. i just told her that i was working and didn't have the opportunity. i didn't have the heart to tell her that i had watched the whole thing unable to do anything about it. but maybe this will make her be on the ready. now that i don't have the same opportunities that i did before.

whit: first lesson should be this weekend.


Anonymous said...

LOVE the one of the dry grass

stephonix said...

(c: yay! glad you like it!

that was one of the last shots i took as i was leaving the park. i loved the color, but the grass was actually incredibly short so i just set my camera on the ground and shot away. i really liked the results too!

Whitney said...

Well.....so much for our lesson last weekend, huh!? Poop! Soon hopefully. I too enjoyed the grass shot and while I really liked all of them the sun through the slats really stood out to me because of the perfect star it made. Cool!

(also like the poetry in your words at the beginning)

Anonymous said...

Hey Steph - what's the new job? I love the pics!!!

Scott said...

Nice pictures. I really like the one of the tree with the one wimpy branch curving down.