Monday, July 2, 2007

put that in your pipe

sorry for the ambiguity of my last post. i had a lot to say, but sometimes this forum is difficult. i don't share a lot with the "general public"...i prefer to keep most of my issues within the confines of the small group of people i trust. but, i really needed some way to vent without revealing a lot. the song lyrics that i used really reflected how i was feeling and i'm a big proponent of using other people's words to convey something i couldn't otherwise do on my own (as long as ownership is given, of course)

and continuing along those lines, it made me think of the amazing talented people that i'm surrounded by. writers, artists, musicians...all unique and they all inspire me to do more.

so that's what this here blog is about. showcasing my friends. (c:

a selected poem from Gabe
he has a way with words that seem so effortless.

selected short from Cuyler
his creativity scares me sometimes. in a good way. (c;

selected poem from Mandee
her intelligence belies her age.

art from Danielle
my ever so talented cousin. sometimes i wish i had gotten that gene. (c:

a short from Todd
i'm envious of his ability to take you inside an "ordinary" situation and make it interesting

music from Jason
really...could i say anything that would do this justice? probably not.

podcast started by Cuyler, Arthur and Robert
interesting. funny. thought provoking.

this is just a small example of the talent that i am surrounded by. lucky, eh?


alicia said...

hey.. e-mail me and tell me about life! I miss you. That's all!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the compliment.
I've read a few other things by your friends, and they are so talented. I feel out of place in that list.

Enjoy your day :)

C Merry said...

Thank you so much for your wonderful comment.