Monday, May 18, 2009

flight of the conchords

+ iron and wine + arj barker + red rocks = scrumtrulescent

for your viewing pleasure. (c:


Whitney said...

Man! That was an amazingly awesome concert. So glad I got to share that experience with you (and Lucky ;P) If they ever come back...we're going! You got some great shots. Even the ones you got after your big, honking lens was found out :)

stephonix said...

yeah...i need to get a press pass. (c;

lucky was good times...too bad his group wasn't sitting by us. i would have rather had them sitting in front of us instead of underwear man.

Whitney said...

oh yeah. Underwear man. Thanks for bringing that up again. I think I had almost successfully burned the image from my brain :( I would've taken them beside me as well rather than constantly have my view blocked by a giant New Zealand flag.