My mom and I recently had a discussion about my current position in life and what I'm doing for work; I really, really, really dislike my job...really.
Working for an accounting firm is hardly stimulating to someone who tends toward the artistic. It's not that I'm not capable when it comes to a linear, black and white way of thinking, but I'm certainly not challenged nor am I motivated in this type of situation. I thrive and flourish in a creative setting.
The solution seems simple, yes?
Find a job in a creative field. But for me, I don't think the answer is as simple as that.
I went to school for photography, knowing how much I love to use my creativity; why not make a carreer out of it? The problem I'm running into, however, is the more I make money with my photography, the more I loathe it.
There are plenty of photographers who make a living by using their creativity and while I'm sure some of them get burned out, I haven't heard of many who begin to
hate the craft. I don't know...maybe I haven't spoken with enough photographers to get real insight.
The only conclusion that I can come to, at least personally speaking, is that I feel like I'm prostituting my emotions. Sounds severe, but let me explain; my creativity (i.e. photography and writing) is my emotional outlet. I know this is the case for most (read: all) artists, but being that I'm bad at expressing my emotions, it tends to be my
only outlet.
So, I'm stepping back from least as a career. It will continue to be something that I create and share, but I can't continue doing it for a least at this point in my life.
I've been writing more lately, even posting a little on my writing blog (tho it has tended toward the severely depressing lately). When my mom suggested writing as a career, it made me cringe just a little; writing is just as much (if not more) of an emotional outlet for my emotions as photography.
So, back at the drawing board, I think I'm going to go back to school. Physical therapy is what I'm continually drawn toward, but I want to be sure...I don't want to go to school yet again and have it come to naught. My personal situation has given me a unique perspective on care-giving and I know that it's something I could be good at; at least I could come home from work with a feeling of accomplishment. That's the main reason I hate my current job; I feel like I haven't contributed to the world around me.
I don't like that feeling.