as are some of the shots i got of the always interesting protesters. one nice thing i must say about protesters is that they really don't have any problem with being photographed which helps me feel less self-conscious about photographing people i don't know.
*disclaimer* the political views expressed by the following protesters do not entirely represent the views of the photographer if you're really interested in my views, well then, just ask...depending on my mood, i may just respond. tho one thing i will comment on is that i did find it quite comical the amount of "impeach bush" signs. really? impeach him? at the end of his term? c'mon, i'm sure you can find something better to exclaim via sign.
just a little taste of how they "dressed up" the light poles downtown for the convention. extra credit for whoever can tell me the historic denver landmark in this shot.
this chick tried to sell me an obama action figure...i convinced her to just let me photograph it (and her in her obama shirt)
obama. he's looking a bit thin...
cops. yeah. they're pretty cool.
for those of you in the know...yes, that is freddy ramirez.
the quality of this one is not so good because i shot it from the car, but i couldn't resist catching such an intense statement...and under the state flags no less.
i also took a lot of fun shots of buildings and signs and textures and know i can't resist. but since this blog is a bit on the lengthy side, i'll post the artsy fun shots tomorrow. (c:
so, this week has been a bit on the psychotic side and i have not been taking pictures daily...been more like every other day. hopefully i'll get the chance to post some things tomorrow or tuesday. i did do a lot of shooting this afternoon. i had lunch w/ my mom, brother and sister-in-law for my mom's birthday and then my mom and i went downtown to see if we couldn't catch some of the interesting-ness going on with the people in town for the DNC.
i got a lot of shots of protesters...and buildings (cuz' that's what i do)...and my mom told me about a friend of hers that said that she may be able to get me into one of the sessions on thursday to do some shooting, but that would mean i would need to get my hands on a longer, or at least more versatile, lens. but we'll see. i'll definitely post some of the pics i got today soon.
but i was kind of in the mood to do another one of my artist spotlights since i haven't done one in a while. so here goes...
i've been in a much contemplative mood lately and with a contemplative mood comes the need for contemplative music and for some strange reason, it usually ends up being yo yo ma in some form or another. i love the cello and i think there is no instrument as deep and lovely...and i believe there is no one greater on the cello than yo yo ma. he does not merely play the cello, he is the instrument that the cello sings thru.
i have some of his baroque work that he played on an actual baroque cello. the biggest difference between a regular cello and that of a baroque one is that a regular cello has a balance pin and a baroque does not. which means that the musician then must balance the instrument between their legs...not an easy feat.
he also created a work called "silk road journeys" in which he delves into the the cultures that line the silk road that connected asia to europe (including mongolia, china, persia, japan, iran, azerbaijan and turkey). it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but i love the dynamics of the scope of this creation.
then, likely my favorite project, he paid tribute to the amazing italian composer ennio morricone by re-creating some of his most famous works including the soundtrack from "the good, the bad and the ugly" and "the mission".
i'll leave you with a piece on that particular's broken up into two clips, but it's only about 10 min long.
today is an interesting day. it's my mom's birthday...happy birthday to you, ma. (c:
it's also the 20th anniversary of the day my dad was diagnosed with ms. and even tho it's been 20 years, i still remember that day vividly. it was the day my family came together in a way that most families never have the opportunity to understand. i recently wrote about that day, and was going to post it here, but i'm still not ready to share it. maybe one day.
one thing i will say is that i am so grateful for the three people that God chose to put into my life to shape it and to support me, and for the fourth who willingly became a part of our crazy little are a brave girl. (c;
sorry i haven't been on the ball this weekend with my pod. i HAVE been shooting every day, but i haven't been posting them due to the fact that i had to play at church on friday, saturday and sunday. so i'll be posting the back log of the pod's tomorrow. or rather, later today (why can't i sleep, dammit!!?!)
it was my first week back on rotation and i was a bit worried...being that a.) i haven't played since december b.) the drummer was new to me and the leader on friday was also new(ish) to me c.) it was only a 3 piece band this weekend (acoustic, drums and bass), so there wasn't much for me to hide behind
i've known for a while that this was going to be my first week back and that it was just going to be me, jason and a new drummer, but last week chelsea asked me if i could help her out with the young adult service that they were having on friday. i found out that the drummer that was playing for the weekend was also playing on friday so i thought it'd be a chance for me to get used to him (and vice versa) i'd never had the chance to play when chelsea led and was looking forward to the opportunity.
monday's practice for friday ended up being a pretty long night because we had quite a few songs, but chels, devin and i managed to get thru it fairly unscathed and we had a great time. chels always makes me laugh and devin is a crazy cool kid. tuesday night's practice for the weekend went by fairly quickly because devin and i had had the opportunity to play together the night before and we were both used to jason...and of course, with the both of them, i spent most of practice laughing. (c:
all of the services went really well and i'm just really excited to be playing again. i didn't realize how much i missed it.
jason had the chance to share with me two new songs that he wrote and i'm always amazed at the talent that God has given him and, even more than that, the humility that he manages to retain with such a fantastic gift.
i had some technical issues yesterday and was unable to post a pod. )c: but the sky in denver was being amazingly cool tonight, so today's pod is courtesy of a pretty awesome sunset.
i’ve learned this week how much i’ve really changed.
on Sunday, a friend of mine said something to me, and while he was being totally honest and not trying to be hurtful, he completely crushed me. maybe the fact that he was just trying to be honest and what he said was truth to me, it hurt all the more.
but it wasn’t what he said that prompted this little rant, it was how i reacted. the fact that i did react.
i fancy myself a pretty laid back person, and even more than that, i internalize everything and rarely, if ever, let my emotions show. i think most of my friends know this about me and are used to me never reacting outwardly to anything negative said about myself or those i love. so on sunday, when i did react, it took him and sabrina, who was there with us, by complete surprise.
sabrina even called me on it, saying that she didn’t really like the way that I had handled the situation. but, then after we talked about it i think she was just more taken back by the fact that i’d said anything rather than just sitting back and pulling away.
i’m not happy with the way that i reacted...but strangely satisfied with the fact that, without thinking, i expressed my feelings.
i guess now i just have to learn to share said feelings in a constructive manner, eh?