Monday, August 25, 2008

DNC protester fun

as are some of the shots i got of the always interesting protesters. one nice thing i must say about protesters is that they really don't have any problem with being photographed which helps me feel less self-conscious about photographing people i don't know.

*disclaimer* the political views expressed by the following protesters do not entirely represent the views of the photographer if you're really interested in my views, well then, just ask...depending on my mood, i may just respond. tho one thing i will comment on is that i did find it quite comical the amount of "impeach bush" signs. really? impeach him? at the end of his term? c'mon, i'm sure you can find something better to exclaim via sign.

just a little taste of how they "dressed up" the light poles downtown for the convention. extra credit for whoever can tell me the historic denver landmark in this shot.

this chick tried to sell me an obama action figure...i convinced her to just let me photograph it (and her in her obama shirt)

obama. he's looking a bit thin...

cops. yeah. they're pretty cool.

for those of you in the know...yes, that is freddy ramirez.

the quality of this one is not so good because i shot it from the car, but i couldn't resist catching such an intense statement...and under the state flags no less.

i also took a lot of fun shots of buildings and signs and textures and know i can't resist. but since this blog is a bit on the lengthy side, i'll post the artsy fun shots tomorrow. (c:


Steve said...

The landmark in the photo is the Daniels and Fisher, or D&F, Tower

Micah D.L. said...

The Clocktower...

stephonix said...

you guys are so smart. (c; or maybe just observant...

Micah D.L. said...

i love pictures like that...where the focus is actually the reflection...

you's a good picture-taker!

stephonix said...

me too!

and thanks! (c:

Scott said...

I really like the photo of the guy in the blue shirt holding a sign, and the ones with people wearing bandanas.

Some of the people should not have gone topless. It doesn't help anything.

stephonix said...

i most whole-heartedly agree. (c: also...i would have encouraged most to bathe. or at least slap on some pit juice...they were incredibly ripe.